The course will be given in the wonderful idyllic place of Sandvik, Malmköping, 115 km from southwest of Stockholm.
Coordinates: 59,11746° N, 16,78285° E

Flen is the closest railway station, 1-hour ride from Stockholm with a direct connection. From Flen to Sandvik is a car ride of 15 km. Many participants are probably going by car with some empty seats, so contact between participants can solve many transport issues.
Participants arrange lodging themselves, the sooner, the better, since summer is a busy period there. In the nearby village of Malmköping there is a well kept Camping with rooms and cottages (email:, phone +46 705 759 791), Rebecca Moseley-Morgan, rented the Grinda Gård villa with rooms for several participants, so contact her if you would like to stay there.
There is also Hotel Malmköping (, phone +46 157 245 80),